Bedford House Buckhurst Hill
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The majority of the music is composed after the art and poetry, and the rest has been carefully selected to work well with the character and history of the piece of music. The combination of music, art and poetry provides an interesting blend and will enhance the expression and give a full experience of the three art forms together. The combination of several art forms is something that has been successful before and is therefore not new, but it is rarely seen in a classical guitar recital and it is an opportunity to both experience the mysterious, meditative and unknown world of the Classical Guitar.
Michael Tippett was a pacifist during his life and refused to carry out some war-related duties during the second World War, so he was even sent to prison for a short while because of that. Villa Lobos has been described as the most significant figure in 20th century Brazilian art music. He was exploring Brazilian culture and nature with his 5 Preludes and each one of them are dedicated to something special to him.
Eduardo Sainz de la Maza was a classical guitarist from Spain. He had a great influence with his compositions for the guitar and his piece Campanas del Alba is an important part of the standard repertoire. His brother was Regino Sainz de la Maza, who premiered the famous Concierto de Aranjuez by Joaquin Rodrigo in Barcelona in 1940. Rodrigo dedicated the concerto to Regino.
Wilhelm Peterson Berger was an important Swedish Composer and music critic. He was born in 1867 and completed his music studies in Stockholm and Dresden. His work Stemning (Danish spelling) was the first of his eight songs, op.11, and with a text by the Danish novelist and poet Jens Peter Jacobsen.
Venue contact details and info
Name: Bedford House
Capacity: 80
Address: 4 Westbury Road, Buckhurst Hill, IG9 5NW
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Live