Alhambra And Carleton Suite Morecambe

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Alhambra And Carleton Suite venue information

We are a multi purpose venue with 4 separate areas that can be combined into one as required.

We can host many kinds of music events, alternative, rock, punk, steam punk, live bands, dance presentations, discos, conferences, wrestling, beer festivals, fringe, charity events and many others.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Alhambra And Carleton Suite

Phone: 01524 411425

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Varies depending on event.

Dress code: Event dependant.

Drinks served: Three bars

Disabled facilities: Lift for access and toilet.

Nearest Train Station: Morecambe 10 minutes walk.

Address: Alhambra Buildings, 56 Marine Road West, Morecambe, LA4 4EU


Capacity: 1,100

Type of venue: Other

Clientele: Event dependant.

Food served: Depends on event.

Parking: Parking on promenade. No restrictions.