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Heysham High 80s School Reunion
If you were at Heysham High between 1980 and 1989 this is the ultimate reunion for you and your schoolmates! A chance to catch up, relive the good times and party!
After big demand this is our 'last chance to dance' 1980s Heysham High School reunion. 35 years on and the 80s at Heysham High school seem both a long time agao and also a blink ago. This is your chance to catch up with all of your mates and teachers from school and have a fantastic night!
The venue is The Carleton (Alhambra Live)
The music will all be from the 80s and will have videos on the big screen too!
Partners and friends are welcome and all proceeds will be going to the Karen Whitfield Foundation in memory of Karen (Swindlehurst at school).
Please book your tickets and spread the word! The 80s are back, for one night only!
Our Facebook page is Heysham High 80s Group
Please note: The event information above has been added by the organiser. Whilst we try to ensure all details are up-to-date we do not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information shown.
Venue Address
Alhambra Buildings, 56 Marine Road West, Morecambe, LA4 4EU
Venue Rating
4.5 / 5 based on 31 reviews
Useful Links
Please note: locations are plotted on this map by their postcode so may not be precise. We advise you to contact the venue if you need exact directions!
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