New Year's Eve Countdown:

Dog And Gun Whetstone Leicester

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Dog And Gun Whetstone venue information

Open Mic night, on the last Sunday of the month. Any style welcome, three songs each, first come - first served. Normally, it goes round twice, and there are other musicians there to help you out if needed. We start at 8pm.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Dog And Gun Whetstone

Phone: 0116 2771054

Capacity: 50

Type of venue: Live

Drinks served: Yes

Disabled facilities: Yes

Nearest Bus Stop: Co-Op, Whetstone

Address: Lutterworth Road, Whetstone, Leicester, LE8 6JG

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Preferably acoustic instruments., but electric basses are fine. No drum kits.

Opening hours: 20:00 - 23:00

Food served: No

Parking: Big car park

Nearest Train Station: Narborough