Nineteen Twelve S.D.C.C Loughborough

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Nineteen Twelve S.D.C.C venue information

1912 Sileby and District Cons Club, is a members club but with the uniqueness of being brought into the twenty first century, we are not like traditional clubs. Our venue boasts, huge screens showing all the latest in live Sports, huge spans of solid wood flooring, brick walls and art, as well as live music, comedy and karaoke which gives us a whole different feel, immerse yourself in our incredible cocktails while we entertain you. We have a wide variety of events for the whole family, work spaces, catering, not to mention our room and office hire. The incredible décor and beautiful art work add to this venue giving you a trendy members club for all age groups.

Not a Member yet that is fine, you can still attend our events as a guest or maybe you would like to Join our family now then head on over to our website and fill in the short application form.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Nineteen Twelve S.D.C.C

Phone: 07311838612

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Tribute nights featuring all the latest and previous hits of the decades, examples are Take That, Pink, Guns and roses, The killers, Rag and Bone Man etc, The music is not described as offensive, racist or any other form of inappropriate music.

Ambiance: Fun, Music, Party, Dancing, relaxed

Clientele: Music fans

Drinks served: Yes fully stocked bar available

Disabled facilities: yes, Disabled access, limited access to toilets

Nearest Bus Stop: Cossington Road

Address: 26 Cossington Road, Sileby, Loughborough, LE12 7RS


Capacity: 200

Type of venue: Live

Dress code: Smart Casual

Opening hours: Wednesday 19:00 -22:30, Thursday 19:00 - 22:30, Friday 17:00 - 23:00, Saturday 12:00 -23:59, Sunday 12:00 -19:00

Food served: No

Parking: No Parking at the venue, there is an industrial estate 2 minutes away for parking

Nearest Train Station: Sileby Train station