Streetlife Leicester
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Reviews of Streetlife in Leicester
Streetlife venue information
The venue boasts 2 room, the crown and the street. These rooms played home to Goodbye cruel world a promotion huge in the late 90's. It has also played a big part in the gay pride events within Leicester and now runs as a gay and straight club with events for all types of people taking place.
It has one of the best lighting set ups in the country and is renowned for having nothing but good vibes.
Upon giving the club back its original name it has also taken a slight face lift but has kept many of its original rustic features which gives the venue its edge
Venue contact details and info
Name: Streetlife
Phone: 01162 510785
Capacity: 1200
Dress code: Smart casual, No tracksuites or sportswear
Nearest Train Station: Leicester train station, London road Leicester
Address: 24 Dryden street, Leicester, LE1 3QE
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Nightclub
Drinks served: Yes
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