New Year's Eve Countdown:

Fogherty's Bar Liverpool

#203 of 607 music venues in Liverpool

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Reviews of Fogherty's Bar in Liverpool

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Showing the latest reviews from all events held at Fogherty's Bar.

Review of Classic Rock Legends

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

Great show well worth the entrance fee. Definitely see them again.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

View all 7 reviews

Fogherty's Bar venue information

Foghertys is a family run venue that offers
you the opportunity to hear live music at its best...

The live bands we feature are all well known on the Liverpool 'Live' Music Scene and enjoyed not only in Liverpool and the North West but also throughout the UK and Europe...

Why not catch up with Liverpools most popular Live bands at Foghertys. With great sounds, atmosphere and friendly staff your sure to enjoy a memorable night...

We look forward to seeing you soon and best wishes to all our customers.

From Tommy, Steve and all the staff at Foghertys...

Venue contact details and info

Name: Fogherty's Bar

Address: 1 Blenheim Road, Liverpool, L18 1EH

Phone: 0151 734 3906

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Type of venue: Bar/Pub

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