Mellow Mellow Liverpool

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Mellow Mellow venue information

Mello Mello is a community outreach cafe, bar & venue hidden away deep in the heart of Liverpool city centre. Nestled just on the outskirts of the omnipresent neon brand haven of the uber-consumerist 'Liverpool One' development you will find the fiercely independent, volunteer co-ordinated, eco and ethically aware, all welcoming sanctuary of the Mello Mello communal living room.

Founded, re-built and run by a group of close individuals from The Art Organisation, Mello Mello prides itself on running as an ethical, morally and socially aware independent community project. Receiving no funding other than the dedication of its volunteers, patrons and fans Mello Mello has grown into its now sizeable stride over the past two years of its development.

Now fully licenced Mello Mello proudly serves all organic, non-conglomerate branded beers, ales, ciders, wines and spirits whilst continuing to serve up the best cup of locally-roasted, fairly traded coffee in Liverpool. Not forgetting, of course, the largest selection (over 30!!) of teas and herbal infusions in the city and our homecooked vegetarian cuisine & vegan cakes!

Mello Mello is unarguably the ultimate night-spot in the North West of England for the free-thinking, the artistic, the shut-out, the beat-down, the creative, the sociable, the lonely, the introverted, the punk, the hippy, the beautiful and the strange.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Mellow Mellow

Address: 40-42 Slater St, Liverpool, L1 4bx

Phone: 0151 707 0898

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live

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