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Reviews of Nordic Church And Cultural Centre in Liverpool
Nordic Church And Cultural Centre venue information
This much-loved and cherished building, so long part of Liverpool’s Baltic Triangle, remains today as the heart of the Nordic Community in and beyond Merseyside.
Liverpool international Nordic Community Charity Company (LiNC)
Today, the building has a more varied range of activities than was the case as recently as 10 years ago, when it became the home of LiNC. The charity has a modern wide set of objectives to meet the needs of anyone connected to, or interested in, Nordic cultural and social activities.
On certain days of the week, there is a buzz of activity — coffee mornings, knitting and crafts, language classes, music gigs, film club, cultural events, and, for a small charge, guests can stay overnight. Everyone speaks English of course. But you will also hear Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish languages spoken, and on festive occasions like Jul (Christmas), Midsommar, Lucia (Festival of Light) and on Nordic National Days, you will also see a sprinkling of colourful national costumes.
Venue contact details and info
Name: Nordic Church And Cultural Centre
Address: 138 Park Lane, Liverpool , L1 8HG
Phone: 0151 709 7763
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Other
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