Penmaenau At Builth Wells

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Penmaenau At Builth Wells venue information

Travelling from the South
From Brecon continue along the A470 travel to Builth Wells, turn right over Bridge opposite Lion Hotel following signs to Rhayader A470 passing the little chef on your right, take the first exit left off the roundabout directly in front of you. To your right you will see the Royal Welsh Showground travelling along the A470 you will pass the Susuki garage on your left continue approx 400 yards further and you will pass a large lay-by on your left travelling a further 100 yards you will see the wide entrance to Penmaenau on your right.
Travelling from the North
From Newtown continue along the A483 through Llandrindod Wells continue heading along the A483 for Builth Wells until you reach the main roundabout outside the Royal Welsh Showground, take the second exit left signposted Rhayader A470 follow the A470 passing the suzuki garage on your left hand side continue along the A470 until you pass a large lay-by on your left hand side travelling a further 100 yards you will see the wide entrance to Penmaenau on your right hand side

Venue contact details and info

Name: Penmaenau At Builth Wells

Phone: 01982553920

Capacity: 3000

Type of venue: Live

Dress code: Anything

Drinks served: Large bar

Disabled facilities: Yes

Nearest Train Station: Builth Road Station is about 2 miles away

Address: Penmaenau , Llanelwedd, Builth Wells, LD2 3RD

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Mainly blues rock and other variations of blues

Ambiance: Caravan park

Clientele: Blues fans and people looking for a cheaper alternative 3 day festival

Food served: Onsite catering

Parking: Plenty of onsite parking