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Mae Mei Gwynedd yn ganwr ac yn gerddor Cymraeg sydd wedi gwneud cyfraniad sylweddol i’r sîn roc Gymraeg. Cafodd ef ei fagu yn Waunfawr, Gwyneddac ers ei arddegau cynnar, mae wedi bod yn gysylltiedig â bandiau, megis Beganifs, Big Leaves, ynghyd â'i frawd, Osian Gwynedd, cyn i'r ddau gyd-ffurfio y grŵp Sibrydion yn 2003. Yn 2008, ymddangosodd Mei Gwynedd fel prif gitarydd band Rhys Ifans, The Petha gefnogodd Oasis ar daith. Mae ei daith gerddorol wedi bod yn amrywiol, ac mae’n parhau i greu trefniannau ffres ar gyfer caneuon Cymraeg cyfarwydd. Yn ddiweddar, lawnsiodd brosiect “Sesiynau Tŷ Potas” lle mae’n rhoi stamp unigryw ar ganeuon traddodiadol Cymreig ac yn eu plethu gyda thraddodiadau celtaidd eraill.
Mei Gwynedd is a Welsh singer and musician who has made a significant contribution to the Welsh rock scene. He was brought up in Waunfawr, Gwynedd and since his early teens, he has been associated with bands, such as Beganifs, Big Leaves, together with his brother, Osian Gwynedd, before the two formed the group Sibrydion in 2003. In 2008, Mei Gwynedd appeared as the lead guitarist of Rhys Ifans' band, The Petha, he supported Oasis on tour. His musical journey has been varied, and he continues to create fresh arrangements for familiar Welsh songs. Recently, he launched the "Sessions Tŷ Potas" project where he puts a unique stamp on traditional Welsh songs and weaves them with other celtic traditions.
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