New Year's Eve Countdown:

Arches Valentia Place London SW9

Arches Valentia Place London SW9 events

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Arches Valentia Place London SW9 venue information

Venue is in Railway arches and can be accessed via briton station road or Coldharbour lane

Venue contact details and info

Name: Arches Valentia Place London SW9


Capacity: 200/250

Type of venue: Nightclub

Opening hours: 8pm

Food served: yes

Parking: Brixton station road

Nearest Train Station: Brixton over ground

Address: 21 Arches, Valentia Place, London, SW9 8PJ

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Mixed

Ambiance: Railway Arche

Drinks served: yes

Disabled facilities: Please check required needs with us

Nearest Bus Stop: Brixton road and coldharbourlane

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