Camden Town Brewery London
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Reviews of Camden Town Brewery in London
Camden Town Brewery venue information
Boopshi's is the brainchild of brothers Ed & Ben Robson, who first dreamt of opening their own restaurant together at the age of thirteen. Their first bricks & mortar venture, Boopshi's pays tribute to their Viennese heritage and family history with many of the dishes taken from their Opa's (Grandfather's) eighty year old recipe books. Camden Town Brewery is also no random location, as they have teamed up with Boopshi's to create a bespoke amber beer that will be served in the bar & restaurant.
Timings are from 1pm – 11pm, leaving plenty of time to try everything.. So come hungry AND thirsty for a perfect schnitzel filled Saturday.
Venue contact details and info
Name: Camden Town Brewery
Address: 55-59 Wilkin Street Mews, NW5 3NN, London, NW5 3nn
Phone: 0207 485 1671
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Bar/Pub
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