L'atelier Des Chefs London
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Reviews of L'atelier Des Chefs in London
L'atelier Des Chefs venue information
L'atelier des Chefs provide hands-on, interactive cooking classes and now have schools in the UK, France and Dubai! Its London flagship is situated close to Oxford Street, just off Cavendish Square. Enjoy cooking in a contemporary kitchen with a fantastic range of utensils and equipment chosen by professional chefs. The expert chefs, who come from top restaurants, will inspire you with their passion and experience. The Chefs have all trained and worked in great establishments all around the world. Some of the restaurants they’ve worked for before joining us include: Le Gavroche, Gordon Ramsay at Maze and River Cottage. They’ve also been mentored by great Chefs such as Michel Roux, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Michael Caines and they’re here to mentor you!
Venue contact details and info
Name: L'atelier Des Chefs
Address: 19 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 1PH
Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/61886/
Type of venue: Restaurant
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