L'atelier Des Chefs London
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Reviews of L'atelier Des Chefs in London
L'atelier Des Chefs venue information
Cheese and red wine everytime? Think again. As part of each class you will be guided through the ultimate cheeseboard in which each cheese will have its own individual accompaniment such as fried sage leaves with sea salt or caramalised apples with saffron, all served with a perfectly matched drink pairing such as a Sheppey's Cider Bellini or Champagne cleverly devised by drink expert, Matt Day.
Venue contact details and info
Name: L'atelier Des Chefs
Address: 19 Wigmore Street , London, W1U 1PH
Phone: 020 7499 6580
Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/55144/
Type of venue: Nightclub
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