Morden Wharf Terrace London
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Reviews of Morden Wharf Terrace in London
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Morden Wharf Terrace venue information
London, known for its bustling streets and packed, rowdy venues, can be a tricky place to find some much-needed solace and escape from the hecticness. Let us introduce you to your new go-to summer venue…
A fantastic hideout, Morden Wharf Terrace in London is a stunning open-air industrial venue built for creating lifelong memories and enjoying unreal street food and even better music.
The perfect place to sit back and unwind in the glorious summer sun, the venue boasts views across the twinkling Thames and a brand new Funktion One sound system, perfect for feeling every note. Catch the finest international DJs as you sip on cocktails or fresh pale ales, IPAs, and seasonal brews by Brew By Numbers.
A unique venue through and through, you won’t find many places like it in the capital. And with carefully curated events from Glastonbury screenings to UKG and drum and bass brunches, there are plenty of top events to get stuck into.
Venue contact details and info
Name: Morden Wharf Terrace
Address: Morden Wharf Road London, SE10 0NU, London, SE10 0NU
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Bar/Pub
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