11th Aug, Birmingham, Under 30 sikhs and hindu
12th Aug, London, 25 - 35 sikhs and hindu
13th Aug, Birmingham, Over 30 sikhs and hindu
14th Aug, London, Over 25 sikhs and hindu
15th Aug, Ealing, Under 30 sikhs and hindu
16th Aug, Gravesend, Over 30 sikhs
17th Aug, London, Over 27 Asians
18th Aug, London, Under 30 sikhs and hindu
18th Aug, London, Over 27 Asians
19th Aug, Wembley, 25 - 35 sikhs and hindu
20th Aug, London, Over 30 sikhs and hindu
21st Aug, London, sikhs and hindu
22nd Aug, Ealing, Over 30 sikhs and hindu
23rd Aug, Gravesend, Under 30 sikhs
24th Aug, London, Over 23 Muslims
25th Aug, London, 27 - 32 sikhs and hindu
26th Aug, Harrow, 25 - 35 hindu
27th Aug, Manchester, 25 - 35 sikhs and hindu
29th Aug, Leeds, 25 - 35 sikhs and hindu
30th Aug, Gravesend, 25 - 35 sikhs
30th Aug, Ealing, Over 23 Muslims
Ignore the date - this ticket is to be used at any of our events:
Kiss Met Events brings you Speed Dating events, Networking Events, Singles Parties, Lunchtime buffet for singles and much more. Following on from the success of our first two events with over 80 singles who turned up we have decided to go UK wide! Our first event had an even mixture of males and females and plenty of matches were made that night :)
To see the previous event photos please visit https://www.flickr.com/photos/132078809@N04/sets/72157651831180998/
Have a look at our calendar and see what suits you best. You can buy multiple tickets to use at any of our events, either by yourself or in groups! One ticket – Twenty one events! You choose! Go to them all, you are guaranteed to find a match ;)
We have listened to the feedback and to make sure the events are exactly what you need and this time we will keep things a little more simple - but the environment will always be the same - chilled and sociable. Our staff will be on hand to make sure you have an unforgettable evening.