Murdock London

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Murdock London venue information

Champagne Charles Heidsieck was founded in 1851 by the legendary Champagne Charlie, a man known - and celebrated - for being a well-dressed gentleman and dandy. To celebrate Champagne Charlie’s love for decadence, the champagne house is teaming up with Murdock London to offer couples the chance to book luxurious grooming treatments and dinner at 8 Hoxton Square, both accompanied by complimentary glasses of Champage Charles Heidsieck, this Valentine’s Day.

Begin your evening with your leading man or lady at Murdock London, where the grooming specialists will be offering men a selection of barbering services to choose from and deluxe manicures for their partners. Couples will be able to sit back and relax whist sipping complimentary fizz from Champagne Charles Heidsieck.

Once preened and buffed to perfection, couples will make their way to 8 Hoxton Square to enjoy a three-course seasonal supper to complement Champagne Charles Heidsieck’s Rosé Réserve.

To find out more, book dinner and treatments for two, please email or call 0203 393 7946 and quote ‘Champagne Charles Heidsieck’.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Murdock London

Address: 46 Redchurch Street, London, E2 7DP


Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

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