Sync London

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Sync London venue information

Sync London is an historic. newly renovated, acoustically exceptional music concert venue is situated next to Stratford High Street DLR station and within walking distance to the West-field Shopping Centre, the Olympic site, and other landmarks.

The venue will hold popular music concert, stand-up comedy shows, sporting events, corporate events, and other special events.

Unlike many London venues
, all seats are unobstructed, giving every seat a clear view of the stage. The venue is currently undergoing up to £2million worth of upgrades and renovations including: state of the art intelligent lighting and sound, external and internal décor revamp, air conditioning, seating, restroom improvements and other amenities. It also has a newly installed on-site ticket box-office, and a newly renovated car park.

Aside from the main auditorium which holds over 2,500 capacity, there are three exclusive members-only late bar venues with capacities ranging between 150-200 each; and a Chase wine bar.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Sync London

Phone: 0203 651 0722

Capacity: 3000

Type of venue: Live

Opening hours: 10am- 4am

Disabled facilities: yes

Nearest Train Station: Stratford Statioon

Address: 361-373 Stratford High Street, E15 4QZ, London, E15 4QZ

Venue short url:

Music Policy: All

Dress code: Smart and trendy

Food served: no

Parking: Parking for 300 cars

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