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Sophie B Hawkins
Music Genres
Pop Rock | Alternative Pop
Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Sophie B. Hawkins will embark on anew voyage to the melodic shores of Whaler as the emotionally timeless songs re-emerge onstage in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the album’s release.
Released in 1994, Whaler was the follow up to the platinum certified debut album Tongues andTails (1992), that earned her a Grammy Award nomination for Best New Artist in 1993. Whalerfeatured the singles “Right Beside You”, and the top ten hit “As I Lay Me Down,” withaccompanying video directed by Sophie Mueller (Annie Lennox, Sade). The album was certifiedgold.
“Whaler was an incredibly adventurous time of my life, making my second record in London,meeting my teenage inspirations, living a dream I’d imagined since childhood,” recalls Sophie.“The songs are warm and happy and I love getting to know this part of me again, and presentingthey live in a whole new way.”
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Venue Address
5 Parkway, Camden Town, London, NW1 7PG
Venue Rating
4.5 / 5 based on 119 reviews
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