The Others London
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The Others venue information
Stoke Newington in North,East London. It is situated just by Stoke
Newington train station and off Stoke Newington High street it is
easily accessible from central, east, north London and London Bridge
by regular 24 hour bus services. It holds 150 people and bar prices
are £2.80 for 330ml Freedom Organic Lager £3.50 for 500ml Budvar and
£2.50 for spirit and mixer, £3 wine
They programme and produce a cross section of artistic endeavour from
festivals to Dance Performance nights to a new art exhibition every
month as solo or group shows, with private views on the 2nd Friday
which often include live art performances, bands and djs.
Music and performance wise they programme a mixture of weekly and
monthly residencies as well as private events, from Wednesday to
Pressure Drop (puttin the reggae back in your jeggae) with legendery
DJ Gladdy Wax and the Tighten Up crew to Floor stomping cailledhs with
Cut 'a' Shine , Weekly Future Music Jazz nights from the F-ire
Collective and (the underground electronica internet radio
station) broadcasting monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month.
Cabaret night (Jewel in the Mud) every 3rd Thursday,as well as my
night which is every 2nd Saturday of the month.
They also have music rehearsal and photographic studios which have
been used for a load of music video shoots that have appeared on MTV
and the like...
Venue contact details and info
Name: The Others
Address: 6-8 Manor Road, London, N16 3DA
Phone: 02088023755
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Bar/Pub
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