The Roand Chapel London
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The Roand Chapel venue information
Such groupings and regroupings were common in Hackney from the 17th Century onwards as East London became an important centre of the nonconformist movement – in other words, churches that would not conform to the rules of the established Church of England. There were two nonconformist burial grounds, at Bunhill Fields and Abney Park Cemetery, and three Dissenting Academies (independentand non-conformist education institutions) – Homerton, Newington Green and Hoxton – which produced nonconformist figures including the author of Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe, and the renowned hymn writer Isaac Watts.
In the 19th Century the population of Hackney was expanding fast. Between 1841 and 1871, the borough’s population increased from 38,000 to 115,000, and then doubled again over the following thirty years. Clapton, in particular, grew rapidly and experienced intensive house building in the 1870s and '80s, creating a new, leafy suburb called the Clapton Park Estate.
By1868, the congregation at the Old Gravel Pit had quadrupled,and they decided to build a new, much bigger chapel as part of the new development nearby in Clapton to take account of the increasing popularity of the area. The Clapton Park Chapel, known as the Round Chapel, would become one of the important nonconformist centres in East London. But despite its members and missionary activities increasing in the 1870s and 1880s, from the turn of the century the congregation shrunk as the composition of the neighbourhood changed and the slow but steady exodus to London’s outer suburbs began.
Venue contact details and info
Address: 1D Glenarm Road, London, E5 0LY
Type of venue: Nightclub
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