What's Cookin' London
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Reviews of What's Cookin' in London
What's Cookin' venue information
LEYTONSTONE EX-SERVICEMENS CLUB. An old haunt of the rock'n'roll kitchen. Its a nice function room, it has its own bar, and does real ale. And its cheap bar prices! Shows are normally EVERY Wednesday and the 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month (and additionally the 5th Saturday if there is one). Doors open 8.30pm and we're normally done'n'dusted by 11.00pm-ish. As usual it'll be a free entry night with a collection to pay the musicians. PLEASE BE GENEROUS! Its the way we make the night work. Accompanied children aged 11+ allowed.
What's Cookin'...
Upstairs @ Leytonstone Ex-Servicemens Club
Harvey Road
Leytonstone, London E11
Leytonstone Underground (2 min)
Leytonstone High Road BR Station (10 min)
Venue contact details and info
Name: What's Cookin'
Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/91281/
Type of venue: Other