New Year's Eve Countdown:

Luton Co op And Social Club

Luton Co op And Social Club events

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Reviews of Luton Co op And Social Club in Luton

Luton Co op And Social Club venue information

Play chess in style... Win tournament glamorously... every child deserves a glam celebration...

Creativity, imagination, foresight, glam, details are some of the qualities identified with Glam Events.. improve your child creativity, imagination, reasoning skills, concentration and much more while they learn to play chess and engage in loads of fun activities...
The chess school runs monthly for 2 hours and you have the opportunity of also becoming a member which meets weekly to play chess socially with other members. The membership is renewable termly but meets weekly. The next chess school is on Easter Monday 21 April 2014 at Luton Co-op and Social Club, Luton, LU2 7NF from 10am - 12noon. Pre-registration is essential.

You can register at

Have fun this Easter with other kids and get ready for tournaments.

Refreshment is provided for the kids but they are welcome to bring their favorite snacks along.

Age: 5 - 14 years old

Venue contact details and info

Name: Luton Co op And Social Club

Address: 48 Stockingstone Road, Luton, LU2 7NF

Phone: 07952 425279

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live