Bazaar & Coffee Morning
BAZAAR & COFFEE MORNING at St Mark's Crescent Methodist Church is a popular friendly morning for all in the Community to come along, relax and enjoy a coffee in our friendly Hub. There are many items on sale for home and gifts. The Stalls include:
Delicious Home Baked Cakes, Stationery, Books, CDs, DVDs, Bric-a-Brac. Chris's Crafts will also be there with lovely handmade items.
A Raffle is organised with various prizes.
All Welcome - Free Entry.
All proceeds go to St Mark's Crescent Methodist Church Fund
Please note: The event information above has been added by the organiser. Whilst we try to ensure all details are up-to-date we do not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information shown.
Venue Address
Allenby Road, Maidenhead, SL6 5BQ, Maidenhead, SL6 5BQ
Useful Links
Please note: locations are plotted on this map by their postcode so may not be precise. We advise you to contact the venue if you need exact directions!
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