Cordbar Manchester

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Reviews of Cordbar Manchester in Manchester

Cordbar Manchester venue information

Cord Bar, the Northern Quarter original with its newly refreshed interior provides a social haven for the creative flow that passes through its doors.

The boutique cocktail bar offers a laid back atmosphere with plenty going on. Tall tables erected from beer barrels, walls flooded with wooden planks and a Bose audio system makes Cord Bar the ideal venue for both evening hangouts and weekend partying.

As a drinking den, Cord ticks all the boxes. Dimly lit, champagne buckets built into tables, excellent selection of bottled beers, back bar spirits and a cocktail menu which makes your mouth water instantly. Not to mention the fantastic nibbles menu provided by sister venue ‘Simple Bar & Kitchen’, perfect for an after work munch.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Cordbar Manchester

Phone: 01618329494

Capacity: 180

Nearest Bus Stop: Piccadilly Bus Station

Address: 8 Dorsey Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester, M4 1LU

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live

Nearest Train Station: Victoria Train Station

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