Cuba Cafe Manchester
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Reviews of Cuba Cafe in Manchester
Cuba Cafe venue information
The people that come to Cuba Cafe are mature and have a sense of culture they appreciate the authenticity of the club. Cuba Cafe has a distinct charm and warm friendly character like no other club in Manchester.
Due to the location of Cuba Cafe we tend to attract people that want to feel safe away from the hussle and bussle of drunks and young crazy people, that's why we insist our clientele be over 25`s at the weekend.
Saturdays is a relaxed atmosphere with music from mowtown,rock + roll to 50`s, 60`s and 70`s we play just about everything.
Venue contact details and info
Name: Cuba Cafe
Phone: 0161 236 3630
Capacity: 150
Type of venue: Bar/Pub
Dress code: Relaxed
Opening hours: Tues + Wed 6pm - midnight Fri + Sat - 9pm to late Closed Sun, Mon + Tue
Nearest Train Station: Manchester Piccadilly
Address: 43 Port Street , The Northern Quarter, Manchester, M1 2EQ
Venue short url:
Music Policy: Soul, funk, motown, latin, salsa, reggae, r'n'b, classic rock'n'roll
Ambiance: Warm, friendly.
Clientele: Mature - over 25s
Drinks served: Beers, wines, spirits.
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