Eden Nightclub Manchester

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Eden Nightclub Manchester venue information

Escape to the Gardens of eden, a revellers’ vision of botanical bliss. From daytime delights to dancing until dawn. Bar, restaurant and nightclub all under one roof.

Bottomless brunches, long lazy lunches, happy hour cocktails, late night suppers and the ultimate party venue.

Three club rooms, multiple bars, late night drinking and dancing for the ultimate night out. This is nightclubbing reinvented.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Eden Nightclub Manchester

Phone: 0161 838 5280

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/102563/

Type of venue: Nightclub

Address: The Printworks, Withy Grove Manchester, M4 2BS, Manchester, M4 2BS

Website: https://edencollective.co.uk/manchester/

Capacity: 2000