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G M T Cringlewood Club news
News, interviews and roundups from Skiddle's inhouse editorial team
Jon Dasilva Interview: “Acid house has never gone away, it keeps evolving”
4th Sep 2024
We had a chat with the influential acid house DJ and former Hacienda resident before his set at Northenden Fringe Festival, talking all things New Order, grassroots venues, the impact of Hacienda, and more.
Reviews of G M T Cringlewood Club in Manchester
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Showing the latest reviews from all events held at G M T Cringlewood Club.
Review of The Eros to Agape Experience by Paul Gilchrist
I felt very privileged to experience the talent of the musicians and vocalists at this gig. The atmosphere was very friendly. I would definitely attend any future performances.
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G M T Cringlewood Club venue information
Venue contact details and info
Name: G M T Cringlewood Club
Address: Yewtree Lane, Manchester, M23 0DN
Phone: 0161 998 2561
Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/101221/
Type of venue: Nightclub