New Year's Eve Countdown:

Islington Mill, Salford

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Reviews of Islington Mill, Salford in Salford

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Review of Conscious Movement Drawing Workshop

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

A phenomenal workshop led by an experienced and enthusiastic facilitator. Chloé Julia Smith has clearly expertly honed her practice and is now able to safely, clearly and warmly guide a group through reconnecting with their bodies.
I'd spent a lot of my life avoiding my feelings and only connecting with my body subconsciously through sports, this workshop kick-started a new meditative and conscious practice in me that already feels like it has propelled me further along my healing journey.
A huge thank you to Chloé Julia Smith and the Fruity Frenzy Collective for their time, energy and expertise.

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Venue contact details and info

Name: Islington Mill, Salford

Address: Islington Mill, Salford, M3 5HW

Phone: 0161 278 6404

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Type of venue: Live

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