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Reviews of MMU Student Union in Manchester
MMU Student Union venue information
On a Saturday night, MMUnion hold Rock Kitchen, one of Manchester's premier rock nights.
Rock Kitchen's busy but friendly and relaxed atmosphere is open til 3pm. And unlike many other Manchester gigs, it's ok to wear jeans and trainers.
Another well-known night is on Friday at Double Vision. Plenty of cheesy pop and some recent stuff too, it's a good for dancing the night away - and many do!
The union has a highly informative website with details of future entertainment, union and university news, jobs and chat forums.
MMUnion also has its own magazine - Pulp. It contains interesting news stories about the union, the Uni and Manchester along with funny features, interviews with celebrities, culture, film and music pages, job advertisements and entertainment listings for the fortnight ahead.
As expected, there is a strict 'student-only' policy at night - but that's not just Manchester students. Anyone with a university issue student card can gain entry but NUS cards don't count.
During the day the MancUnion bar serves cheap food - from lasagne to fried shrimp. The menu is pretty extensive including club sandwiches, jacket potatoes and chips.
The beer isn't expensive, either and is really cheap at night in the K2 club, with Carlsberg weighing in at £1 a pint.
The Union have recently re-branded changing their name from MMSU to MMUnion. They're also changing the face of the SU building as part of a huge development plan.
The first phase which has started early in September, will involve the creation of a new entrance, staircase and lift on the south west corner of the building (the corner nearest to Eighth Day). There will be many changes taking place in the coming months, all to serve students better.
Every year, the Union holds Fresher's Week - designed to welcome new students to Manchester, the University and the Union. There's lots of freebies on offer, including beer, pasta sauce and bottle openers.
The week isn't only for first years though, anyone else can go and enjoy the festivities, and many do every year!
The Union also extends to Cheshire where they host an annual summer ball. In May 2005 the theme was horror beach party due to the date of the ball (Friday 13 May). Tickets are on sale in the Union weeks before the event and some of the highlights include a welcome cocktail and the much appreciated hog roast!
At the Students Union in Cheshire, as in Manchester, there is a jobshop for students seeking part time employment and a shop which sells everything from snacks to stationery to hooded tops with "Manchester Metropolitan University" emblazoned across the front - great for keeping warm when winter rolls around!
Monday Supersonic Indie night
Tuesday Vacuum Hip Hop, Breaks
Wednesday Flirt School Disco
Thursday Harmony Attitude free R 'n' B
Friday Double Vision Old school
Saturday Rock Kitchen Indie, Rock, Punk
Sunday Wisecracks Monthly comedy night
Venue contact details and info
Name: MMU Student Union
Phone: 0161 247 1162
Music Policy: Something for everyone
Ambiance: Party scene
Opening hours: Everyday
Food served: yes
Parking: To rear of union
Nearest Train Station: Oxford Road
Address: 99 Oxford Road, Manchester, M1 7EL
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Nightclub
Dress code: Casual
Drinks served: Beers, wines, spirits, soft drinks
Disabled facilities: yes
Nearest Bus Stop: Oxford Road
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