New Year's Eve Countdown:

Moss Side Millennium Powerhouse Manchester

#307 of 818 music venues in Manchester

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Moss Side Millennium Powerhouse venue information

The Powerhouse is a charity-run Council building with its key objective being youth. The charity supports organisations that deliver to local young people. Daytime adult education programmes and community groups complement the evening youth provisions. The Powerhouse has a variety of services on site: a library, Connexions, Hideaway and Trinity House Youth Clubs, Emerge, and Manchester College to name a few. There is also a number of open-access community activities, including fitness (yoga, Healthy Body Healthy Mind and Insanity) and education (Centre of Hope community support sessions, peer training pre-employment and a 50s+ programme). The Powerhouse also has facilities to cater for meetings and conferences during the day.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Moss Side Millennium Powerhouse

Address: 140 Raby Street, Manchester, M14 4SL


Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

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