Sugar Buddha Manchester

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Reviews of Sugar Buddha in Manchester

Sugar Buddha venue information

Sugar Buddha will proudly set the standard for high end nightlife and will instantly become the epitome of chic in Manchester with its innovative designs, fabulous concepts and luxury surroundings...Sugar Buddha is much anticipated...and underestimated...Be prepared for a totally new and surreal experience with us.

Sugar Buddha will take the glamour and sucess of The Sugar Lounge 2002 and add a contemporary Buddha theme to create a super VIP night time spot.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Sugar Buddha

Phone: 0161 832 8802

Music Policy: Rnb hip hop

Dress code: Smart

Address: Deansgate Locks, Manchester, M1 5LH

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

Opening hours: 8pm until 4am

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