Times Square Newcastle reviews by real event-goers

Reviews of Times Square in Newcastle

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Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 1.5 Verified review

Elrow usually have a good line up but this time the line up was very poor. The stage was very underwhelming with no roof to shelter us from the rain. I wouldn’t have paid £50 for the day. The atmosphere was good and the confetti was a highlight for me. Maybe at other locations I would have rated this higher.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 2 Verified review

Bad weather bad day

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 2.5 Verified review

Big letdown for a elrow party. Such a shame.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review


Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 2.5 Verified review

Good event but over priced for what it was, oversold too shouldnt take 2 and a half hours for a drink

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 2 Verified review

I thought the sound was lost as it wasn’t loud enough and the bar and toilet queue was ridculous. I thought it was very poorly organised, which is a shame as I have been to a few elrow events and they are always really good.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 2 Verified review

Rained out, there was no where to take cover under other than digital which was one person in one person out stood in the queue for around an hour and got no where, I believe there should have been a gazebo nearer to the main stage otherwise I wouldn’t have had to leave so early into the event

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 2.5 Verified review

it was an absolute shambles. organisation was terrible. we basically spent £45 each to que all day!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 3.5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 1.5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 2 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 4 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 2.5 Verified review

Raining so spoil atmosphere especially after such a good night at Ushuaia elrow

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 2.5 Verified review

Just getting a drink and having a piss took over an hour each it was s**te

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 4 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 3.5 Verified review

music was immense however the venue wasn't well thought out, 2 hour wait for a drink? bad times, hour wait into digital then 40 mins wait at the bar? Not good at all! need to add more bars. it could have been massive like elrow London town if they done it at the town moor bout main thing more bar areas 🤞

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 3.5 Verified review

The event went ok apart from the weather. But the sound system was so quite outside you could barely hear the music over peoples conversation and the bass was non existent. Good event poor sound quality.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Review of elrow Newcastle - El Bowsque Encantado - Outdoors

Overall rating: 2.5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

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