Blaenavon Constitutional Club Blaenavon Pontypool

Blaenavon Constitutional Club events

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Blaenavon Constitutional Club venue information

This Dance is in conjunction With the Blaenavon & Pontypool Railway
1940s Event July 12th & 13th 2014
Tickets are £5 pre sale or £7 on the door.
Tickets will be available from
or The Heritage Railway Station and Railway Shop or Pontypool Museum
or on the door!

Featuring Ricky Hunter Vocalist & Trumpeter - 1940s Wartime & Swing Era Tribute& Jayne Darling - 1940s & Vintage Singer performing hits of the 40s Wartime, Swing & Big Band Era.
Also vintage disco with DJ Ricky

The night is about having fun and enjoying the era!
40s dress is encouraged but not essential.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Blaenavon Constitutional Club

Phone: 01495 790244

Capacity: 100

Address: Old James St, Blaenavon Pontypool, NP4 9EJ

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Bar/Pub