Chichele College Higham Ferrers, Rush
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Chichele College venue information
Henry Chichele (1362-1443) lived in Higham Ferrer's and was Chancellor to Henry V and Archbishop of Canterbury until his death. He was the founder of All Souls College in Oxford and bestowed Higham Ferrers with its Bede House, Chantry Chapel and Chichele College.
Lottery funding helped restore the main College building and is now used to hold different fund raising events. The grounds include ruins of other original parts of the college.
Venue contact details and info
Name: Chichele College
Phone: 01933 314006
Capacity: 100
Disabled facilities: Yes
Address: College Street, Higham Ferrers, Rush, NN10 8DX
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Exhibition Centre
Parking: None on site. Market Sq and Saffron Rd and Midlands Rd