Amores Ristorante Italiano Beeston, Nottingham

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Reviews of Amores Ristorante Italiano in Beeston, Nottingham

Amores Ristorante Italiano venue information

Amores Italian Restaurant is a chic venue with a Continental flair, run by the same Italian family as when it first opened in 2003. They have an extensive menu cooked with passion and cater for meat and fish lovers and vegetarians. Conveniently situated on Station Road, Beeston, Nottingham. Less than 5 minute walk from Beeston Bus Station heading away from the town centre. Beeston Rail Station is approx. a 15 minute walk. There is on street parking after 6pm on any single yellow lines.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Amores Ristorante Italiano

Phone: 441159224224

Capacity: 40

Dress code: Smart Casual

Food served: Italian

Nearest Bus Stop: Beeston Bus Station. 5 Minutes Walk

Address: 137 Station Road, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 2AZ

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

Drinks served: Licenced Bar

Parking: On Street Parking after 6pm on single yellow lines