Brickcroft Club. Rochdale

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Brickcroft Club. Rochdale venue information

JLC ROCK PROMOTIONS is based in Rochdale, Lancs, England. Our aim is to book for you some of the best rock bands around.

JLC started up in 1992 as a result of Barry Cozens getting fed up of having to travel miles to catch the bands he wanted to watch. What better than to bring the bands to you. At least if nobody else turned up he'd enjoy the music.

What has resulted is a regular Friday night rock night in Rochdale with other special events thrown in from time to time.

Since "the boss" went full-time gigs have been arranged at various venues from as far apart as the Midlands and Cumbria.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Brickcroft Club. Rochdale

Phone: 01706 632087

Type of venue: Live

Address: High Street, Rochdale, Lancs. OL12 0NS, Rochdale, OL12 0NS

Venue short url:

Dress code: None