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Jah Wobble & The Invaders of the Heart
Music Genres
Alternative | Punk
Combining global music, reggae, fusion and punk influences, Jah Wobblehasentrancedtheworldwithhishypnoticbassriffsforoverfour decades and has become one of Britain’s most influential and distinct bass players. Accompanied by his band, Invaders of the Heart, Jah Wobbleisrebornintoanewdecadeasdefiantaseverwithabrandnew UK tour.
Born John Wardle, the nickname was given to him by Sid Vicious followinganeveningofdrunkenantics.SidViciousthenwentontogive Jahhisfirsteverbassguitar.Asabassist,JahWobbleiswellknownas one of the founding members and ultimately the back bone of the legendary Public Image Limited (PiL) during the early years. Whilst working with John Lyndon, Keith Levene and Jim Walker, Jah’s notoriously powerful low end bass created PiL’s debut album Public Image: First Issue, which included the band’s first Top 10 single as well as their prestigious second album Metal Box, which included the post-punkclassicDeathDisco.
Since departing with PiL, Jah Wobble is now a prevalent solo artist with his band, Invaders of the Heart and was nominated for a Mercury Music Prize for his debut album, Rising Above Bedlam. Following the release of the highly acclaimed second album, Take Me To God, Jah Wobble also became a successful entrepreneur by developing his own independent record label, 30 Hertz Records. Additionally, Jah Wobble has worked with the likes of Primal Scream, Dolores O’Riordan, Sinead O’Connor,ChakaDemus&Pliers,BillLaswell,HolgerCzukayandmany more.
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