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Todmorden Working Mens Social Club

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Reviews of Todmorden Working Mens Social Club in Todmorden

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Showing the latest reviews from all events held at Todmorden Working Mens Social Club.

Review of Dark Matter presents Hamell on Trial + Ruth Theodore

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Ed Hamell... what an absolute pro... fantastic music and brilliant entertainer. Loved it.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Dark Matter presents Hamell on Trial + Ruth Theodore

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

Wonderful gig and a fantastic evening. The lovely Ruth Theodore captured our hearts with her performance, and Ed Hamell had us in fits of laughter - at one point during Ed's show, I almost choked on a mouthful of beer - much to the amusement of those around me !

The gig was moved from The Golden Lion to The upstairs room at Todmorden Working Men's Social club. Very good atmosphere, cheap beer and a nice crowd. All in all, a cracking evening's entertainment. We chatted with the promoter after the gig I didn't catch her name - but thanks Ms Dark - Matter for hosting.

Best Regards

Michael Jones

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Dark Matter presents Hamell on Trial + Ruth Theodore

Overall rating: 4 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

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Todmorden Working Mens Social Club venue information


Venue contact details and info

Name: Todmorden Working Mens Social Club

Address: North View, Halifax Road, Todmorden, OL14 5QG


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Type of venue: Nightclub