Dartmoor Zoological Park Plymouth
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Dartmoor Zoological Park venue information
It came into being in 2006, when Benjamin Mee and his family came across Dartmoor Wildlife Park (locally known as Sparkwell Wildlife Park): a privately owned, dilapidated exotic animal collection with a poor reputation and in terrible financial difficulty. Rather than running a mile, the Mee family were struck by the fact that if the right purchaser couldn’t be found, property developers would move in, and the vast majority of the animals would be destroyed.
Lead by Benjamin, the family gathered all their resources, bought the zoo, saved the animals, and then began the year-long struggle to get the zoo ready to re-open which it finally did in July 2007 with new ideology, and under the new name of Dartmoor Zoological Park.
It was already a very difficult time, but then came the return of a brain tumour in Katherine, Benjamin’s wife. Disastrously this tumour proved terminal, and after a 6 month struggle, Katherine died leaving Benjamin to pick up the pieces with his two young children, as well as keeping the fight going to get the zoo open.
But they did it. The family survived, and the zoo regained its licence: a massive achievement.
Benjamin’s story was documented in his book “We Bought A Zoo”, which was also released as a Hollywood movie of the same title in 2011, starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson.
Benjamin is regularly invited to talk to organisations to inspire their people to never give up, no matter what life throws at you.
Venue contact details and info
Name: Dartmoor Zoological Park
Phone: 01752 837645
Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/81033/
Music Policy: NA
Ambiance: Relaxed
Clientele: Families, Adults, Couples, Senior Citizens
Drinks served: Soft Drinks and Hot Drinks. Bar's open for Events and private functions.
Disabled facilities: Rough Terrain, customers with mobility issues are advised to book ahead for a mobility scooter. Disabled Parking available outside the Restaurant.
Nearest Bus Stop: Dartmoor Zoo entrance
Address: Sparkwell, Plymouth, PL7 5DG
Website: http://www.dartmoorzoo.org.uk
Capacity: 50-200+
Type of venue: Outdoors
Dress code: Comfortable Footwear advised
Opening hours: Summer: 10am-6pm Winter: 10am-4pm
Food served: Hot Food Menu including pizza's, street food, panninis, children's meals. Ice cream kiosk open during summer.
Parking: Main car park at Zoo entrance with 150-200 car capacity
Nearest Train Station: Ivybridge