Basingstoke Anvil

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Basingstoke Anvil venue information

Anvil Arts is the largest performing arts organisation in Hampshire, and runs The Anvil, The Haymarket and The Forge in Basingstoke.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Basingstoke Anvil

Phone: 01256 844244

Type of venue: Live

Food served: Snacks are available from the chill cabinet on performance evenings

Parking: Parking in The Anvil car park is currently £1 from 6pm to 11pm.

Nearest Train Station: The Anvil is just across the road from Basingstoke train station. Basingstoke is on the London Waterloo line; 45-60 mins from Waterloo, 30-35 mins from Southampton Central. Trains run in both directions until after midnight.

Address: Churchill Way , Basingstoke, RG21 7QR

Venue short url:

Drinks served: The bar serves a full range of beers, wines and spirits.

Disabled facilities: Anvil Arts operates a free Access List in order

Nearest Bus Stop: Basingstoke town centre bus station is a ten minute walk away through Festival Place shopping centre.