The Atrium, Reading
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The Atrium, Reading venue information
Wine offer - buy in advance, save money and the bar queue (state you name when ordering and we'll deliver to your table).
Any food allergies or non Indian meal required? Message us with your ticket order or once ordered and we will contact you nearer the date with options.
Dress bright and colourful for what is promised to be a fun evening. Links to hire and sales of clothing with ticket purchase.
Order individaully or as Tables of 10. If ordering tickets to join others, please email your request with both names (as ticket order shows) once you have purchased.
Venue contact details and info
Name: The Atrium, Reading
Phone: 07970616283
Capacity: 90
Address: Scours Lane, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 6AY
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Bar/Pub