The Chester Variety Club Y Rhyl

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Reviews of The Chester Variety Club in Y Rhyl

The Chester Variety Club venue information

The Chester Club (part of Sunnyvale Caravan Park)is open to the public it has an amazing nautical theme restaurant and hosts the top music and variety acts in north Wales. Recently refurbished and located near the iconic Rhyl Blue bridge landmark, the club is the ONLY holiday park venue in the UK with the prestigious "Best Bar None" accreditation which was awarded by the government/home office for excellence in service, safe environment and unrivalled commitment to customer experience. The club is family friendly and welcomes all ages, races, religions and abilities.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Chester Variety Club

Phone: 01745 343046

Capacity: 350

Type of venue: Live

Dress code: casual..... no baseball caps, hoodies (with hood up), headgear other than cultural

Opening hours: usualy 7 to early hours

Food served: The Galley Restaurant attached does light bites to full card menus.

Parking: plenty to the front of the club

Nearest Train Station: 1 mile away

Address: Ffordd Y Foryd, Bae Cinmel, Y Rhyl, LL18 5AS

Venue short url:

Music Policy: anything and everything except profanity.

Ambiance: nice family vibe that gets louder and more party as the night goes on.

Clientele: mixed bunch of every corner of society..... how we like it.

Drinks served: no jugs or rubbish. Just premium beers and quality everything else

Disabled facilities: fully equipped to cater for our disabled guests throughout.

Nearest Bus Stop: 40 metres away