New Year's Eve Countdown:

Islington Mill Salford

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Reviews of Islington Mill in Salford

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Review of Confidence Man Aftershow

Overall rating: 5 Verified review


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Review of Confidence Man Aftershow

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Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

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Review of Confidence Man Aftershow

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

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Islington Mill venue information

Created in 2000, Islington Mill remains a work in progress; an ever-evolving creative space, arts hub and community. Scratch the surface and you'll find a vibrant and resourceful cross disciplinary creative network; a space where conversations leads to connections, collaboration and co-creation.

Public arts programmes, residencies and galleries sit alongside rehearsal space. Music and visual arts mix with events and exhibitions. More than 50 businesses and 100 artists call the Mill home. Over the last 15 years we've supported more than 5000 artists from 35 countries. More than 15,000 people visit the building every year. Some stay for an evening, some make it their home for several years.

Islington Mill is a celebration of the unconventional; of radical and subversive thinking - it is a place where anything feels possible. Our flexibility and fluid structure is a catalyst for creativity, allowing artists, residents and tenants to challenge accepted notions of what arts and culture can do, and who can be involved. We treasure our independence to explore and to create; to live and work as freely and creatively as possible, fostering an openness to experiment.

The Mill was built on an ethos of experimentation, creativity and inclusivity that has evolved and clarified over time. More than just a physical venue, ours is an attitude and approach that unites people. The organic network we have forged here continues to evolve because of the actions of the people who get involved; our community.

We value collaboration - within the Mill, the local community, nationally and internationally - and we are an integral part of the area's regeneration. Attracting and retaining talent is fundamental to what we do - supporting creative entrepreneurs and facilitating the potential and promise they bring. Our ethos of participation, community and open space makes us a vital ingredient in the urban regeneration mix, both in complementing what's on offer and generating new possibilities.

The Mill sits between the University of Salford and Manchester city centre, straddling the two cities; simultaneously at the heart of Salford's creative community and just a 10-minute walk down Chapel Street to Manchester city centre. Our studio spaces are situated across the upper floors of the main converted mill - an imposing red brick building constructed around a cobbled central courtyard.

We have a variety of atmospheric, industrial spaces around the complex, including our ground floor venue and gallery space - all are available for one-off events, photo shoots, rehearsals, exhibitions and filming - contact us for more info.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Islington Mill

Phone: 0161 278 6404

Venue short url:

Nearest Bus Stop: Bus: V1, V2, 8, 34, 36, 37, 38, 50 to Salford Cathedral

Address: James Street , Salford, M3 5HW


Type of venue: Exhibition Centre

Nearest Train Station: Salford Central

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