Woofseats Family Fun Day Dog Show. Sheffield
Woofseats Family Fun Day Dog Show. events
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Reviews of Woofseats Family Fun Day Dog Show. in Sheffield
Woofseats Family Fun Day Dog Show. venue information
The event will be held as part of Woodseats Festival Community Event on Saturday 6th July 2013 at 12.00pm. It will be on the community field Barbers Field behind woodseats school S8
There will be all fun classes for dogs and owners, and there will also be tug of war, wellie throwing, 3 legged races, egg and spoon etc .
All entries will be £1.00 for classes.
50p per sport event.
Anyone requiring a stall for this event please email for details to frasertara@hotmail.co.uk
Venue contact details and info
Name: Woofseats Family Fun Day Dog Show.
Phone: 07971417140
Type of venue: Outdoors
Drinks served: Hopefully
Parking: Fraser Crescent , Fraser Close
Address: 19 Cawthorne Close, Sheffield, S8 0NA
Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/40818/
Opening hours: 12pm - 5.00pm
Food served: Hopefully
Nearest Bus Stop: Tesco Woodseats Sheffield 8