81 Skegness Road Burgh Le Marsh Skegness. PE24 5LL

81 Skegness Road Burgh Le Marsh Skegness. PE24 5LL events

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81 Skegness Road Burgh Le Marsh Skegness. PE24 5LL venue information

With Ghosts, Apparitions, Disembodied Voices, Previous Witchraft Shenanigans & Poltergesit Activity, you can be sure to have a 'Halloween Experience' to remember. PLEASE NOTE: We cannot guarantee paranormal activity on the night. Anything experienced here will be 100% real. No Fakery!!! Come and join experienced paranormal investigators and see if you can witness anything within. The HELL HOUSE is the UK's most recent haunted house to come out in the public eye. This is one not to miss.... Refreshments will be provided on the night.

9pm - 2am. We will be there to greet you from 8.30pm onwards. Please arrive no later than 9pm. Wrap up warm in case the night turns very cold!


Venue contact details and info

Name: 81 Skegness Road Burgh Le Marsh Skegness. PE24 5LL

Phone: 07596090789

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/81616/

Type of venue: Other

Dress code: Warm and Comfy, no high heels!

Drinks served: Yes: Tea/Coffee and Soft Drinks

Disabled facilities: No

Address: 81 Skegness Road, Burgh Le Marsh, Skegness, PE24 5LL

Website: http://www.indicoparanormal.com

Capacity: 20 max.

Ambiance: Spooky

Opening hours: Always

Food served: Biscuits!

Parking: Outside the house on the street.