Orange Rooms Southampton

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Reviews of Orange Rooms in Southampton

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Showing the latest reviews from all events held at Orange Rooms.

Review of Pengo- Niknan Sounds 1st Birthday

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Great night out. Awesome atmosphere and fantastic djs

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of St. Dub Day

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Amazing night needs to be done again very soon

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of St. Dub Day

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

View all 13 reviews

Orange Rooms venue information

Cosily tucked away between the hustle + bustle of Bedford Place + London Road, you'll find Vernon Walk, home to the Orange Rooms. Come rain or shine, mid-week blues or weekend highs, Orange Rooms beckons, tending to your every need. Born March 11th 2001, Orange Rooms prides itself on "the good times". We try not to push boundaries in state of the art, more so embrace the old, with a dash of the new. Retro's the word, don't wear it out!

Decisions, decisions, the choices are endless...
Be it from our imaginative cocktail menu or extensive spirits range, a cheeky little beer or three or if that doesn't float your boat, then maybe a selection from the food menu followed by a might. As we always say "eat-drink-groove-lounge" Whichever it may be, pop on in - "You'll look good in Orange".

Venue contact details and info

Name: Orange Rooms

Address: 1-2 Vernon Walk, Southampton, SO15 2EJ

Phone: 023 8023 2333

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

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