Ware Priory
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Ware Priory venue information
Ware Priory was founded in 1338. It is a building that has, for 700 years, served as a focal point for the community and the town of Ware. In turn it has been a friary, a house and a convalescent hospital and now serves as a venue for weddings and banqueting.
Ware Priory itself is a Grade I listed building which has a distinctive choice of individual character rooms named after significant people in the history of the building. Painstakingly restored in the mid-1990s, some of the original building materials, including wattle and daub, stonework and Victorian murals have been uncovered and preserved as features of interest.
Adjacent to Ware Priory is Fletcher's Lea. Built in 2006, it offers a bright and contemporary atmosphere.
Venue contact details and info
Name: Ware Priory
Address: The Priory, High Street, Ware, SG12 9AL
Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/75116/
Type of venue: Other