New Year's Eve Countdown:

Semitone Studios Stockport

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Semitone Studios venue information

Peter Eccles, Business Manager and Director of Operations
Peter does the fancy business stuff. He is a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Manchester University. He also sings and plays piano for fun.

Alex Turnbull, Musician
Al plays a mean guitar. He teaches it, too.

Sue Hatton, Musician
Sue is the magic flute. Ok, not really - but she teaches flute. And beginner-level recorder and saxophone.

Jayne Turner, Musician
Jayne is a vocal instructor as well as a singer-songwriter-guitarist. Of particular interest to her in her work is 'holistic singing'.

Vicky Richardson, Administrator
Vicky does all kinds of admin stuff, including the books.She balances everything down to the hemidemisemiquaver.

Helene Vlassis, Coordinator/Liaison
Helene makes sure everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Semitone Studios

Phone: 0161 826 7613

Capacity: 90

Address: 130 Stockport Road, Marple, Stockport, SK6 6DQ

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live